There are some words that can't be broken down into very small ones. All these words are called Root or Base Word .
New words are created by putting a letter or group of letters before and after all these root words. This letter or group of letters is called a particle.
কিছু কিছু Word আছে যাদেরকে ভেঙে খুব ছোট করা যায় না । এই সমস্ত Word -কে বলা হয় Root বা Base ( মূল ) Word .
এই সমস্ত Root Word এর পূর্বে এবং পরে একটি letter বা group of letters বসিয়ে নতুন শব্দ তৈরি করা হয় । এই letter বা group of letters -কে বলা হয় Particle বা শব্দাংশ ।
Other important topics :-
What is Prefix ?
The syllable that sits before a root word and creates a new word is called a prefix .
যে শব্দাংশ কোন Root Word এর আগে বসে নতুন শব্দ তৈরি করে তাকে বলে Prefix .
Example - un + known = unknown
Here un is Prefix and known is Root Word.
Prefix List :-
Prefix | Root Word | New Word |
PrefixUn | Root Wordhappy | New WordUnhappy |
PrefixUn | Root Wordcommon | New WordUncommon |
PrefixUn | Root Wordable | New WordUnable |
PrefixUn | Root Wordkind | New WordUnkind |
PrefixUn | Root Wordlucky | New WordUnlucky |
PrefixUn | Root Wordusual | New WordUnusual |
PrefixUn | Root Wordimportant | New WordUnimportant |
PrefixUn | Root Wordwell | New WordUnwell |
PrefixIn | Root Wordcomplete | New WordIncomplete |
PrefixIn | Root Wordvalid | New WordInvalid |
PrefixIn | Root Wordvisible | New WordInvisible |
PrefixIn | Root Wordcorrect | New WordIncorrect |
PrefixIn | Root Wordactive | New WordInactive |
PrefixIn | Root Wordjustice | New WordInjustice |
PrefixIn | Root Wordability | New WordInability |
PrefixIn | Root Wordsane | New WordInsane |
PrefixDis | Root Wordlike | New WordDislike |
PrefixDis | Root Wordappear | New WordDisappear |
PrefixDis | Root Wordhonest | New WordDishonest |
PrefixDis | Root Wordagree | New WordDisagree |
PrefixDis | Root Wordobey | New WordDisobey |
PrefixIr | Root Wordrational | New WordIrrational |
PrefixIr | Root Wordregular | New WordIrregular |
PrefixIr | Root Wordrelevant | New WordIrrelevant |
PrefixIl | Root Wordlegal | New WordIllegal |
PrefixIl | Root Wordlogical | New WordIllogical |
PrefixIl | Root Wordliterate | New WordIlliterate |
PrefixIm | Root Wordmortal | New WordImmortal |
PrefixIm | Root Wordpatient | New WordImpatient |
PrefixIm | Root WordPossible | New WordImpossible |
PrefixNon | Root Wordsense | New WordNonsense |
PrefixNon | Root Wordstop | New WordNonstop |
PrefixMis | Root Wordguide | New WordMisguide |
PrefixMis | Root Wordunderstand | New WordMisunderstand |
PrefixMis | Root Wordfortune | New WordMisfortune |
PrefixAb | Root Worduse | New WordAbuse |
PrefixAb | Root Wordnormal | New WordAbnormal |
PrefixAb | Root Wordsolute | New WordAbsolute |
PrefixAnti | Root Wordbody | New WordAntibody |
PrefixAnti | Root Worddote | New WordAntidote |
What is Suffix ?
The syllable that sits after a root word and creates a new word is called a suffix .
যে শব্দাংশ কোন Root Word এর পরে বসে নতুন শব্দ তৈরি করে তাকে বলে Suffix .
Example - colour + ful = colourful
Here color is Root Word and ful is suffix.
Suffix List :-
Root Word | Suffix | New Word |
Root WordUse | Suffixful | New WordUseful |
Root WordHelp | Suffixful | New WordHelpful |
Root WordCare | Suffixful | New WordCareful |
Root WordJoy | Suffixful | New WordJoyful |
Root WordHope | Suffixful | New WordHopefull |
Root WordPower | Suffixful | New WordPowerful |
Root WordBeauty | Suffixful | New WordBeautiful |
Root WordState | Suffixment | New WordStatement |
Root WordTreat | Suffixment | New WordTreatment |
Root WordArrange | Suffixment | New WordArrangement |
Root WordFear | Suffixless | New WordFearless |
Root WordPower | Suffixless | New WordPowerless |
Root WordColour | Suffixless | New WordColourless |
Root WordCare | Suffixless | New WordCareless |
Root WordAccept | Suffixable | New WordAcceptable |
Root WordMove | Suffixable | New WordMovable |
Root WordGood | Suffixness | New WordGoodness |
Root WordDark | Suffixness | New WordDarkness |
Root WordKind | Suffixness | New WordKindness |
Root WordWarm | Suffixth | New WordWarmth |
Root WordGrow | Suffixth | New WordGrowth |
Root WordChild | Suffixhood | New WordChildhood |
Root WordWoman | Suffixhood | New WordWomanhood |
Root WordSuggest | Suffixtion | New WordSuggestion |
Root WordDirect | Suffixtion | New WordDirection |
Root WordCorrect | Suffixtion | New WordCorrection |
Root WordCollect | Suffixtion | New WordCorrection |
Root WordCreate | Suffixtion | New WordCreation |
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